Marble mining in the area of Karystia lasts since the Roman period. Big quarries of that time are well preserved in the areas of Styra, Marmari and Carystos constituting an important tourist attraction of Karystia. The most impressive mining  monument  are the five huge columns [12m] located over the village called Myloi.

The stone of the area is a kind of a marble called sipolino which composes of slate layering  and it is known as schist or Karystos’ stone. The last 3 decades there has been extensive mining of this stone and huge quarries operate in the areas of Agios DImitrios, Melliswnas, Lalas and Fygia. The quarries have contributed significantly to the local economy not only through selling the local product but also through reinforcing professions  such as constructions, transportation, machinery service and sales of building materials. Source: http://www.eyploia.gr/


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